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  • Writer's pictureS. Bell

An Inside Look at Yung Miss:

Yung Miss is an Inland Empire raised lyricist. She is a thirty-two year young soul. Even though she feels like she is getting up there in age she quotes Jay-Z by saying “30 is the new 20.” Yung Miss took an interest in music very early on. Her mother is a musician, which plays the piano. So since birth it has literally been “music to her ears.” When she was in the 3rd grade she was strongly driven to music. She started writing poems and utilizing her mothers’ beat machine. The number one influencer in her life has been her mother. Yung Miss stated that her mother has been an outstanding example of what to strive for. Her mother has highlighted goals in music and life that Yung Miss seeks to fulfill. Not only is she a lyricist she is also an educator. An extraordinary woman that gives guidance and knowledge to the youth at a local High School. She is constantly giving back to the community every time she steps on those school grounds. Each day she comes in contact with her pupils she puts her best foot forward and shares knowledge with the young in hopes of preparing them academically and giving the youth the necessary tools to take on what life may throw their way. In her current days she is pursuing her Masters Degree and Teaching Credential in Special Education. With many years of experience in creating her own music she holds one project near and dear to her heart. Her most recent project “&still” is her all time favorite. In this project she was able to hone in on her overall sound, amplifying her lyrical style. There are only eight tracks on this album which will hold all of your attention for the entire ten minutes running time. Not to mention, while being in the industry for over fifteen years, she was able to gather knowledge from some teachable moments she encountered. Although this lyricist has had awesome opportunities throughout her career she has also had to deal with difficult hurdles that have caused her to fall face first. Regardless of the obstacles that she has had to face she believes that the most important thing one does is “get back up and keep running. Written By: Skye Bell

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